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Cemetery guidelines

Part 1 - General

  1. General Interpretation

    1. 1. In these regulations:
      • Burial Authority -  the Great Yarmouth Borough Council
      • Cemetery - all of the cemeteries listed in paragraph 2 unless otherwise stated
      • Bereavement Services Office - the administration department of the Burial Authority that is responsible for day-to-day management of the Cemeteries
      • Approved Contractors -  those contractors who are employed by the Burial Authority or any other third party who satisfy the criteria as set by the Burial Authority (available for inspection by contacting the Bereavement Services Office) from time to time
      • Exclusive Right of Burial - a right that may be purchased from the Burial Authority which grants the purchaser, and his or her successors, the exclusive right of burial in a designated burial plot for a period of 50 years
      • Grant Holder - the owner(s) of an Exclusive Right of Burial
      • Interment - includes:
        • the interment of cremated human remains
        • the interment of the bodies of still-born children or of the cremated remains thereof
        • the placing in a vault of human remains, cremated human remains, or the bodies of stillborn children or the cremated remains thereof
      • Opening Hours - the times during which the Cemeteries are open to the public as specified in paragraph 4
      • Table of Fees and Charges:- the table maintained by the Burial Authority (available for inspection by contacting the Bereavement Services Office) setting out the matters in respect of which fees or other charges are payable to the Burial Authority and the amount of each such fee or charge
  2. Cemeteries

    1. 2. This guidance shall apply to all of the following Cemeteries unless otherwise stated:
      • Magdalen Lawn Cemetery, Oriel Avenue, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth
      • Gorleston Old Cemetery, Magdalen Way, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth
      • Caister Borough Cemetery, Ormesby Road, Caister-on-sea, Great Yarmouth
      • Yarmouth New Cemetery, Kitchener Road, Great Yarmouth
      • Yarmouth Old Cemetery, Kitchener Road, Great Yarmouth
      • Roman Catholic Cemetery, Caister Road, Great Yarmouth
      • Decenters Cemetery, Temple Road, Great Yarmouth
      • Jewish Cemetery, Temple Road, Great Yarmouth
  3. Administration

    1. 3.1. All enquiries regarding the Cemeteries should be directed to the Bereavement Services Office or to the Bereavement Services Manager of the Burial Authority
    2. 3.2. The Cemeteries Office is open from:
      • 9am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday, with the exception of Bank Holidays and other Public Holidays
      • a telephone answering service is available when the Bereavement Services Office is closed
  4. Opening Hours

    1. 4.1. The Cemeteries are open to the public from 7.30am to 7.00pm British Summer Time and 7.30am to 4.30pm in the Winter unless otherwise indicated by notices placed in the Cemeteries.
    2. 4.2. Specified areas in the Cemeteries may be temporarily closed to visitors by placing notices warning of the intention at the entrance of the Cemetery and adjacent to the relevant areas.

Part 2 - Exclusive Right of Burial

  1. Purchase and registration of an Exclusive Right of Burial

    1. 5.1. An application to purchase an Exclusive Right of Burial shall be made on application forms, which are obtainable from the Bereavement Services Office. For the purposes of any such application, the applicant shall:
      1. a. deliver to the Burial Authority such documents and other information in writing as the Burial Authority may require
      2. b. pay the prescribed fee as set out in the Table of Fees and Charges
    2. 5.2. The purchaser of an Exclusive Right of Burial will:
      1. a. have their details entered into a register that will be maintained for this purpose by the Burial Authority
      2. b. be issued with a Grant of Exclusive Right of Burial from the Burial Authority as proof of their ownership of the Exclusive Right of Burial
    3. 5.3. It is the responsibility of the Grant Holder to notify the Burial Authority of any change of name or address.
  2. Grave Selection

    1. 6. When applying for an Exclusive Right of Burial an applicant's grave selection shall be subject to the Burial Authority's approval. However, the Burial Authority shall meet the wishes of the applicant as far as is practicable.
  3. Transfer of an Exclusive Right of Burial

    1. 7.1. A Grant Holder may transfer their right subject to:
      1. a. the Grant Holder completing a Form of Assignment (obtainable from the Bereavement Services Office) notifying the Burial Authority of the transfer
      2. b. payment of any prescribed fee as set out in the Table of Fees and Charges
    2. 7.2. Upon receipt of the Form of Assignment and the prescribed fee, the Burial Authority will:
      1. a. provide written confirmation of the transfer to both the transfer or and transferee
      2. b. update the register
  4. Death of Grant Holder

    1. 8.1. If a Grant Holder dies without bequeathing his or her right in their Will, the grave may be transferred to the name of the next of kin by submitting to the Burial Authority a completed Transfer of Exclusive Right of Burial and the necessary supporting evidence.
    2. 8.2. The applicant arranging the interment of the Grant holder must contact the Burial Authority to discuss the transfer of Exclusive Right of Burial.

Part 3 - Interment

  1. Notice of Interment

    1. 9.1. Notice of a proposed burial must be given to the Burial Authority by completing a Notice of Interment form (obtainable from the Bereavement Services Office) as early as possible, and in any event not less than three working days, prior to the Interment. The Registrar's Certificate for Burial/Cremation must accompany all Notice of Interment Forms.
    2. 9.2. The three working days' notice, as stated in paragraph 9.1, does not apply to Muslim burials. Details for Muslim burials are available on request from the Bereavement Services Office.
    3. 9.3. All burials must take place between:
      1. a. BST Monday to Thursday 9:30am to 3:00pm. Friday 9:30am to 2:30pm
      2. b. GMT Monday to Thursday 9:30am to 2:30pm. Friday 9:30am to 2pm
  2. Burial Authority Authorisation

    1. 10.. Upon receipt of a completed Notice of Interment form and the Registrar's Certificate for Burial/Cremation form, the Burial Authority must authorise the proposed burial before any funeral arrangements are publicly announced.
  3. Grave location

    1. 11. Unless the deceased is to be interned pursuant to an Exclusive Right of Burial, the Burial Authority shall specify the grave location.
  4. Proof of Exclusive Right of Burial

    1. 12. If the deceased is to be interred pursuant to an Exclusive Right of Burial, the Grant Holder must prove their identity to the Burial Authority as the Grant Holder of that Exclusive Right of Burial before the interment can take place.
  5. Coffin Dimensions

    1. 13. The exact size of the coffin, casket or container, including handles, must be given in writing to the Bereavement Office as soon as possible and no later than two working days before the Interment.
  6. Grave Dimensions

    1. 14.1. The maximum depth of a grave shall not be greater than 9 feet and no burial shall be made without there being at least 2 feet 6 inches of soil between the ordinary surface of the ground and the upper side of the coffin. In a grave not exceeding:
      1. a. 7 feet in depth, not more than two (2) adult coffins shall be interred
      2. b. 9 feet in depth, not more than three (3) adult coffins shall be interred
    2. 14.2. To ensure Health and Safety requirements are complied with, the Burial Authority reserves the right to determine the maximum depth of a grave depending upon soil conditions.
    3. 14.3. Only Approved Contractors may be used to dig graves.
  7. Burial Register

    1. 15. The relevant certificate(s) for the Interment of the body issued by the Registrar and/or Coroner shall be produced to an officer of the Burial Authority prior to interment so an entry can be made in the burial register. Failure to produce the relevant certificate(s) will result in the Interment being delayed until such certificate(s) is produced.
  8. Bearing of Coffin

    1. 16. The Funeral Director is responsible for conducting the coffin to the grave in accordance with standards of safe practice and orderliness acceptable to the Burial Authority; and providing enough bearers to lower the coffin.
  9. Temporary Removal of Memorial

    1. 17.1. The Grant Holder is responsible for the removal and re-fixing of a memorial in connection with a burial and may only use Approved Contractors for this purpose.
    2. 17.2. From 1st April 2020 there will be an administration charge for the permission to erect and re-erect a memorial on all plots in all cemeteries.


Part 4 - Cremation

  1. Burial of cremated remains

    1. 18. Designated areas for the burial only of cremated remains are provided in Magdalen Lawn, Gorleston Old, Caister Borough and St Nicholas Churchyard. Plots in the designated area shall be capable of holding at least two sets of cremated remains.
  2. Burial location

    1. 19. An Exclusive Right of Burial must be purchased prior to any interment of cremated remains.
  3. Application for burial

    1. 20. An application for burial of cremated remains must be made in the same manner and providing the same information as in paragraphs 9, 10, 12 and 15.
  4. Scattering of cremated remains

    1. 21. Cremated remains may not be scattered in any part of the Cemetery without the written permission of the Burial Authority.

Part 5 - Memorials and memorial lease

  1. Memorial application

    1. 22.1. The Grant Holder must complete an application form (obtainable from the Bereavement Services Office). This must be accompanied by a copy of the Exclusive Right of Burial deed, and receive written authorisation from the Burial Authority, before any memorial may be erected in a Cemetery or inscription placed on a memorial.
    2. 22.2.a.The Burial Authority reserves the right to remove any memorials not authorised by the Burial Authority after 21 days notice.
    3. 22.2.b. Removed memorials will be kept at the Cemeteries Office for 60 days for collection. If not collected within this time they will be disposed of.
  2. Memorial Dimensions

    1. 23. Memorials must not exceed the following maximum dimensions:
      1. 23.1. Full grave (9 foot x 4 foot) Magdalen Lawn Cemetery and lawn areas:
        • The complete installation to not be higher than 34 inches measured from the ground adjoining.
        • The foundation base must not exceed 33 inches width, 16 inches in depth and 2 inches thickness
        • The memorial base must not exceed 30 inches width, 15 inches in depth. The base must also have a minimum thickness of 3 inches and a maximum of 4 inches
        • The memorial headstone must have a maximum height of 31 inches with a thickness greater than 3 inches and a maximum of 4 inches
      2. 23.2. Memorials in Cremated Remains Sections 2 foot x 2 foot Magdalen Lawn Cemetery must not exceed the following dimensions:
        • The complete installation to not be higher than 34 inches measured from the ground adjoining.
        • The foundation base must not exceed 24 inches width, 16 inches in depth and 2 inches thickness
        • The memorial base must not exceed 23 inches width, 15 inches in depth. The base must also have a minimum thickness of 3 inches and a maximum of 4 inches
        • The memorial headstone must have a maximum height of 31 inches with a thickness greater than 3 inches and a maximum of 4 inches
      3. 23.3. Kerb sets are not permitted in Magdalen Lawn Cemetery or other cemetery lawned areas.
      4. 23.4. Kerbs sets must be erected on a solid reinforced concrete landing of the dimensions seven feet two inches by three feet two inches, which is a minimum of 2 ½ inches thick. Double kerb sets seven feet two inches by seven feet two inches, which is a minimum of 2½ inches thick. All parts of the memorial must be contained within these dimensions.
      5. 23.5. Memorials other than as outlined above, must be discussed with and approved by the Burial Authority and should be in keeping with other memorials already erected in the cemetery.
      6. 23.6. The above are the only memorials or fixtures permitted in the Great Yarmouth Borough Council, the erection of anything else on the plot is not permitted and will be removed.
  3. Erection of memorial

    1. 24.1. The erection of a memorial will be permitted only where:
      1. a. an Exclusive Right of Burial exists
      2. b. the written permission of the Burial Authority has been granted
      3. c. payment of the prescribed fee as specified in the Fees and Charges has been made to the Burial Authority
    2. 24.2. All memorials, including the refixing and refurbishment of memorials, must be:
      1. a. constructed and erected:
        1. 1. in strict accordance with the size and design approved by the Burial Authority
        2. 2. by a mason who is an Approved Contractor
        3. 3. in strict accordance with the National Association of Memorial Masons Code of Working Practice or other locally agreed Agreement
      2. b. prepared ready for fixing before being taken into the Cemetery
      3. c. erected using an appropriate foundation which must not be visible above the ground and which must be to the satisfaction of the Burial Authority
      4. d. secured into the ground using a British Standard approved safe system or locally agreed system(s)
      5. e. fixed in line with adjoining memorials
    3. 24.3. In the case of any departure from the approved design for which permission has been granted, the Grant Holder shall at their own expense, and to the satisfaction of the Burial Authority, carry out any work necessary to make the memorial comply with the approved design.
  4. Approved Contractors' Conduct in Cemeteries

    1. 25.While carrying out work within a Cemetery all Approved Contractor's shall ensure they:
      1. a. take all necessary precautions to protect the grass, trees, plants, walls, paths and adjacent memorials or vaults from damage. Any damage caused shall be made good at the Approved Contractor's expense
      2. b. completely remove all materials, tools, and rubbish from the Cemetery when work is not in progress
  5. Health and Safety in Cemeteries

    1. 26. On a lawn type grave any memorial vase must be incorporated in the base of the memorial.
  6. Memorial construction

    1. 27. All memorials must be able to bear continuous exposure to the weather and must not be made of the following materials:
      • artificial stone
      • terracotta
      • porcelain
      • plastic
      • polystyrene
      • any other material which in the opinion of the Burial Authority is unsuitable or incongruous with its surroundings
  7. Memorial Identification

    1. 28. The section, grave number, and the memorial mason's name must be clearly inscribed on the memorial base. This includes memorials that are removed for a second inscription or refurbishment.
  8. Inscriptions

    1. 29. Where an inscription has been cut without the prior approval of the Burial Authority the Grant Holder must, at their expense, remove the memorial and apply for the Burial Authority's approval.
  9. Unsafe and Neglected Memorials

    1. 30.1. The Grant Holder shall maintain their memorial in a safe condition, of which the Burial Authority shall be the sole judge.
    2. 30.2. The Burial Authority reserves the right to notify in writing any Grant Holder if in their belief a memorial is considered unsafe. If the Grant Holder does not comply with the notice the Burial Authority shall be entitled, at the Grant Holder's expense, to revert the memorial back to a safe condition or have it removed.
  10. Grave Maintenance

    1. 31. The Burial Authority reserves the right to clear and re-instate any grave following the:
      • planting of any unsuitable gardens, trees or shrubs
      • placing of any grave furniture that is a risk to public safety or impedes the maintenance of the cemetery
      • placing of any unauthorised grave surrounds
      • placing of grave surrounds in lawn sections/cemeteries (e) placing of decorative stone chippings
  11. Loss or Damage

    1. 32. Memorials are placed at the Grant Holder's own risk. The Burial Authority is not responsible for loss or damage done to any grave space or memorial or injury to any person within the Cemetery, except where such damage is directly attributable to the negligence of the Burial Authority or its employees.
  12. Removal of Memorials

    1. 33.1 No memorial, or part of a memorial, shall be removed from a grave without written approval of the Burial Authority.
    2. 33.2. The Burial Authority's approval of a proposed burial shall be considered consent to temporarily remove a memorial from the grave to be opened.
  13. Hours of Work

    1. 34. Except with the written consent of the Burial Authority, all works in connection with the erection or restoration of memorials must be carried out during the ordinary working hours of the Bereavement Office (as stated in paragraph 3.2).
  14. Memorial Wreaths

    1. 35. The Burial Authority, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to remove memorial wreaths placed upon a grave after an appropriate interval following their placement.
    2. 36. Christmas wreaths will be removed on or after the 1st February each year.
  15. Purchased memorials

    37. All memorial options are purchased on a lease basis for the specified period.
    • Memorial bench
    • Garden of Remembrance shrubs and roses with plaque/s
    • Above ground vaults and Buxton benches
    • Chapel of Remembrance wall plaques
    • Sandstone Tower
    • Kerbsets
    • Memorial trees
    • And any new or added memorial options

Part 6 - Conduct within cemeteries

  1. Vehicles

    1. 38.1. Vehicles are permitted in the Cemetery only during Opening Hours and at the absolute discretion of the Cemetery staff.
    2. 38.2. Any vehicles entering the Cemetery must:
      • keep within any speed limits specified at that Cemetery location
      • be driven with due care and attention (c) comply with all directional signs
      • comply with all directional signs
      • comply with all Burial Authority employee's directions
      • not use the Cemetery as a thoroughfare#
      • not be taken onto grassed areas
    3. 38.3. The Burial Authority shall not be held responsible for any damage to vehicles or other property left within the cemetery.
  2. Conduct within Cemetery Grounds

    1. 39.1. No person while in Cemetery grounds shall:
      • wilfully create any disturbance
      • commit any nuisance
      • wilfully interfere with any burial taking place
      • wilfully interfere with any grave, vault, headstone or other memorial, or any flowers or plants
      • play at any game or sport
    2. 39.2. Anyone who contravenes paragraph 38.1 shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding the limit as stated in the Local Authorities' Cemeteries Order 1977 as amended from time to time.
    3. 39.3. The Burial Authority, at its absolute discretion, reserves the right to ask any person to leave a Cemetery.
  3. Opening Hours

    1. 40. No person shall enter or remain in the Cemeteries except during Opening Hours.
  4. Dogs

    1. 41. Dogs are not permitted in Magdalen Lawn Cemetery and Gorleston Old Cemetery and in all other Authority cemeteries must be kept on a lead.  Non-compliance may lead to prosecution under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. The penalty upon prosecution of this offence is a fine of up to £1,000.

Part 7 - Reserved rights of the Burial Authority

  1. Differences or disputes

    1. 42. Should any difference or dispute arise as to the real intent, meaning or interpretation of this Guidance, or Table of Fees and Charges, the decision of an authorised officer as the designated representative of the Burial Authority shall be final.
  2. Alterations to the Guidance

    1. 43. The Burial Authority reserves the right to alter this guidance or any part of them from time to time as they may see fit and may make supplementary guidelines specific to named Cemeteries.
  3. Fees and charges

    1. Our fees and charges are reviewed on an annual basis and apply from 1 April each year. See the fees and charges page for current prices.

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