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Cemetery guidelines

Part 6 - Conduct within cemeteries

  1. Vehicles

    1. 38.1. Vehicles are permitted in the Cemetery only during Opening Hours and at the absolute discretion of the Cemetery staff.
    2. 38.2. Any vehicles entering the Cemetery must:
      • keep within any speed limits specified at that Cemetery location
      • be driven with due care and attention (c) comply with all directional signs
      • comply with all directional signs
      • comply with all Burial Authority employee's directions
      • not use the Cemetery as a thoroughfare#
      • not be taken onto grassed areas
    3. 38.3. The Burial Authority shall not be held responsible for any damage to vehicles or other property left within the cemetery.
  2. Conduct within Cemetery Grounds

    1. 39.1. No person while in Cemetery grounds shall:
      • wilfully create any disturbance
      • commit any nuisance
      • wilfully interfere with any burial taking place
      • wilfully interfere with any grave, vault, headstone or other memorial, or any flowers or plants
      • play at any game or sport
    2. 39.2. Anyone who contravenes paragraph 38.1 shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding the limit as stated in the Local Authorities' Cemeteries Order 1977 as amended from time to time.
    3. 39.3. The Burial Authority, at its absolute discretion, reserves the right to ask any person to leave a Cemetery.
  3. Opening Hours

    1. 40. No person shall enter or remain in the Cemeteries except during Opening Hours.
  4. Dogs

    1. 41. Dogs are not permitted in Magdalen Lawn Cemetery and Gorleston Old Cemetery and in all other Authority cemeteries must be kept on a lead.  Non-compliance may lead to prosecution under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. The penalty upon prosecution of this offence is a fine of up to £1,000.

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