Magdalen, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth and Caister Cemetery Memorials

Memorial Trees and Benches with Plaques
Throughout all our cemeteries at Magdalen Lawn, Gorleston Old, Great Yarmouth and Caister, there is the option of selecting a tree or placing a bench with a plaque in memory of a loved one. We would be delighted to accompany you to assist with the selection of a suitable location.
Memorial, Monuments and Gravestones
It is tradition to mark the grave of a loved one with a headstone, which can take the form of a memorial, monument and gravestone. Often it will detail who lies there, alongside dates and loved one's left behind, however it can also include small dedications in the form of quotes.
If you wish to have a memorial stone erected on a burial site please see our rules and regulations to find out what sizes we allow and to apply to have a memorial stone erected.
To find your nearest the National Association of Memorial Masons (NAMM) website will be able to assist.